Just the word Ironman sends a shiver of excitment down my spine. The word to me says tough. Someone who despite physical and mental torture comes through it all to succeed from being a mere mortal to a true great of the sporting challenge arena. This blog in a sea of blogs these days is really a pictorial and written diary of my journey to taking part and succeeding at an Ironman distance event somewhere in the world. Preferably hot or a warmer part of the world than Northumberland in England is at anytime of the year.
Just for the record Ive lost 90 pounds since January 5th 2015 and Ill talk about that in a later post so my journey started then really even though I might not of known it at the time and my dream back then was just to be able to walk up the stairs at home.
Now though I want to set a challenge for myself a real testing challenge for a 47 year old man to undertake and that's why I have chosen the Ironman. Over the coming months I'm going to document my journey and please feel free to comment or suggest training programmes that will help me on my journey. Thank you for reading this first post.